philipp glöggler
*02.10.1993 in würzburg, works in würzburg
m.a educational sciences, cultural education
b.a pedagogy, philosophy and religious studies
↪2021 ↪digital winter school || moderation, tutoring || chair of museology of university of würzburg/ museum studies of helwan university | würzburg/ cair
↪since 2019 ↪ museum and art educator || museum im kulturspeicher | würzburg
↪2018 ↪foundation oft he ifak würzburg association, secretary at large || an association that supports the subcultural scene | würzburg
↪2018-2022 ↪Studies of educational sciences, cultural education || master of arts || university of würzburg | würzburg
↪since 2017 ↪deputy head of management || exhibition collective leerraumpioniere – a interim use project to revitalize urban spaces | würzburg
↪2016-2017 ↪head of artistic activities || studio of w-café – a meeting point for people with and without refugee experience || collaboration of museum im kulturspeicher and mainfranken theater | würzburg
↪2016-2019 ↪freelance work || museum education departement || museum im kulturspeicher | würzburg
↪2014-2018 ↪ Studies of pedagogy, philosophy and religious studies || bachelor of arts || university of würzburg | würzburg
geronimo says
art is for everyone – not only for rich people
with his combination of pedagogical skills and philosophical approaches, philipp glöggler connects art and society. Above all, he is driven by the will to break down barriers so that all people can consume and create art. he tries to break up the establishment and to develop new ways to connect art and people. while he combines underground parties in the electronic milieu and his activities as a DJ and event organizer with his professional work as a museum and art educator at the museum im kulturspeicher, he creates free spaces and definitions of art that can still be considered avant-garde.
↪2020 ↪mission #3: systemrelevant | accompanying exhibition to the days of the open studio || curational co-director || exhibition collective leerraumpioniere || cairo | würzburg
↪2019-2020 ↪raum #9: mitgefühl im keller || expert for events and construction|| exhibition collective leerraumpioniere || hermine e.v. | würzburg
↪2019 ↪mission #2: blackhole || expert for events and construction || exhibition collective leerraumpioniere || art tent | umsonst und draußen festival | würzburg
↪mission#1 membran: die! german angst || expert for events and construction and performing artist || exhibition collective leerraumpioniere || würzburg
↪raum#8: adieu, simon horn || expert for events and construction || exhibition collective leerraumpioniere || würzburg
↪2017 ↪raum#5: friendzone || expert for events and construction || exhibition collective leerraumpioniere || würzburg
↪art of w café || curational director || reuterhaus | würzburg